書名:Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Complex Psychiatric Disorders: Techniques Specific for Treating the Psychoses, Personality, and Pe,語言:英文,ISBN:9780393705683,作者:Shannahoff-khalsa, David S.,出版日期:2010/04/01,類別:心靈養生
Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Complex Psychiatric Disorders: Techniques Specific for Treating the Psychoses, Personality, and Pe
商品分類:博客來, 外文書, 心靈養生, 心理學總論, 精神疾病, 精神病理學總論
An ancient form of meditation, Kundalini yoga is also a clinically proven therapeutic protocol. David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa shares a bounty of techniques and teaches clinicians how to incorporate these methods into their own practices.
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Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Complex Psychiatric Disorders: Techniques Specific for Treating the Psychoses, Personality, and Pe
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